Doctoral Consortium and Student Support

SoCS Doctoral Consortium

The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is aimed at providing Ph.D. students with the opportunity to engage with established researchers closely, get feedback on their research, gain advice on career possibilities, foster networking, and present their work during the conference. Nonetheless, the submission to the DC is open to all students, including master's students and undergraduates who work on combinatorial search.

As part of the Doctoral Consortium, SoCS will provide graduate students with an opportunity for in-depth advice from senior members regarding careers and research skills. Each student accepted to the DC (see below for the acceptance procedure) will be matched with an established researcher in the field, who will assist the student with research and career management advice.

We invite all students to apply.

Student Support

SoCS will aim at providing student support, partly covering travel and/or registration costs through a separate scholarship application process. Participation in the DC, however, is a requirement for students receiving travel assistance. 

More information will be announced soon.

Timeline (all times are 23:59 Anywhere On Earth, UTC-12) 

Application Procedure for the Doctoral Consortium

To participate in the Doctoral Consortium, an application is required and needs to be submitted at (Doctoral Consortium track) 

Applicants for the Doctoral Consortium should submit the following:

Extended abstract: An abstract outlining the student's research. The abstract should not exceed 2 pages, inclusive of references, and must adhere to the AAAI two-column, camera-ready style. It is essential to designate "(Student Abstract)" at the end of the title. Papers that surpass the specified length and formatting guidelines may face rejection without review. Applicants have the option to indicate whether they wish for their abstract to be included in the proceedings.

Long/short paper: A paper, with the student as the first author, submitted to either SoCS-24 or another conference or journal within the past year (not including SoCS-23). The first page of the paper should indicate the venue of submission and its current status (accepted, rejected, or under review). Note that papers submitted under this option cannot be included in the proceedings. Consequently, there are no restrictions on the format or length of the paper.